
1on1 – The ultimate leadership tool

17. 8. 2023

When done right, 1on1s help people improve, build trust, solve problems and help maintain a good company culture. Basically, it’s the ultimate package that every leader needs to have in their toolbox. The million-dollar question, however, is how to do it right.

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From mere outputs to real impact

16. 8. 2023

It is one of the key questions for a leader – how to ensure that what we do has the impact we really want. That we are investing the capacity of people and teams in […]

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Change Management in Agile world

28. 6. 2023

The discipline of Change Management has existed for a long time in traditional project management, but how do things work in the Agile world when managing changes?

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How Agile are we really? – Part 2

4. 5. 2023

In the first part of our series, we covered why you should be interested in Agile maturity in your teams or organizations and how to look at it. In the next installment of our series, we’ll focus on “measuring Agile mechanics”.

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How Agile are we really? – Part 1

30. 3. 2023

Do you have agility? And could I see it? How agile are we? Does agility help us? Questions like these come up quite often during Agile Transformation. The company needs to know where it stands with Agile, but how to do it?

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Measuring the success of a Scrum Master/Agile Coach

3. 3. 2023

It is true that the work of an SM/AC is not as easy to see at first glance as that of a developer or tester, but the good news is that the success of these roles can definitely be measured. Let’s take a look at how to do it together!

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ComAp transformation – Through the eyes of RainFellows coach

23. 1. 2023

For more than two years, on and off, we have been guiding the people of ComAp through the Agile Transformation. We’d like to bring you this transformation from different perspectives, so we decided to create […]

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ComAp transformation – Through the eyes of an HR business partner

We’d like to bring you the Agile transformation of ComAp from different perspectives, so we decided to create a series of articles interviewing people in key positions. Second in the series we interviewed Blanka Chladova, HR business partner.

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ComAp transformation – Through the eyes of Head of R&D

We’d like to bring you the Agile transformation of ComAp from different perspectives, so we decided to create a series of articles interviewing people in key positions. First up was Marek Novotny, head of R&D.

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User Story Mapping

19. 9. 2022

Have you ever experienced a situation where you have a huge thing in front of you and you don’t know which side to start from? Are you struggling with how to grasp the breakdown of […]

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Mastering Daily Standups

14. 3. 2022

It’s happening every single day and you still feel like there’s room for improvement. We’re talking about the Daily Standup, one of the most crucial Scrum ceremonies. We have prepared our best practices for you, which […]

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Attitudes of an agile coach – which is yours?

13. 10. 2021

Very often in agile transformations, we work with agile coaches. Either they already exist in the company, or we help to draft them, or we raise them ourselves from the ranks of employees. And we […]

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How to do a Live 360 Team Feedback

7. 9. 2021

In companies, we very often see a situation where feedback is not happening at all or there is a middleman in the form of a manager or an Agile coach who takes feedback from all […]

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Searching for Vision (not only) in Agile organization

6. 9. 2021

OKRs or Objectives and Key Results are everywhere these days. A lot of the companies jump onto this trendy bandwagon but do not have the right base for their OKRs. For it to work, it […]

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How do we look for great Agile coaches?

9. 8. 2021

During the course of Agile transformations, we often encounter a situation where the role of Agile coach was not present in a company and so it’s needed to fill the position. Companies are looking for […]

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Safe environment

2. 9. 2020

The term “safe environment” got a lot of traction in recent years, whether it’s conferences, books, TED talks, or blog posts. The thing is, that it’s very hard to understand it correctly and bring it […]

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Agile engineering

15. 5. 2020

Agility has become popular across many industries. In IT where it has originated it is de facto standard. However, we also experience many Banks claiming they run more or less successfully an Agile transformation. Let’s […]

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Fire up your retrospectives!

1. 5. 2020

Have you reached a state where your retrospectives are like a copycat? Are you wondering how to revitalize them and give your team a new impetus? If you haven’t already read our article Mastery in […]

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Key moments technique to build the culture of WE

16. 5. 2019

Previous article defined Agile leadership. Now we ask the following questions: how to naturally and unobtrusively integrate everything described earlier into the  real life of the team and eventually build the culture level 4? For […]

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Agile Leadership

14. 5. 2019

We defined different culture levels and link to our inner beliefs we all carry with us in the previous article. Now we deal with a question: what is the role of the leader in the […]

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Agile Culture & Leadership

10. 5. 2019

Following up Jarek’s brilliant article (in Czech), we would take a closer look at one of the key areas of scaling Agile — the role of the leader and how to build the Agile culture. […]

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My First-Hand Experience with the Start-up Nation

24. 4. 2019

Frequent migraines in my childhood made me use other sources than reading books. And the eye-to-eye meetings have always been the first in the line. I need to see and hear things with my own […]

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Open DevOps Italy

31. 5. 2017

What is DevOps? How to explain benefits to the entire organization? How to deal with company culture? It’s Friday, May 19th. We are sitting at the Rome – Ciampino airport with Jan waiting for our […]

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Show and tell: way to share info across borders

23. 6. 2016

Have you ever noticed that we seek for complex solutions and yet simple things work incredible well? This short article describes one such a practice we call Show & Tell. I guess you heard of Show […]

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How consultants became owners

17. 6. 2016

We at RainFellows have strong IT background. We started as excited Java Developers, later became Software Architects, Scrum Masters, Project Managers. We applied Agile and Lean thinking since our first days in IT. And the […]

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Stop boring and inefficient status report meetings!

3. 6. 2015

You know how it goes. There is a group of coworkers round the table and they report one after another project status to their manager. Everyone should be interested in work of others but the […]

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Fixed price contract for R&D project? Highway to failure

8. 2. 2015

Sometimes, no matter how exceptionally you do, a development project fails. And even if you apply the best practices in this area. Whether you are customer or supplier, a fixed-price contract most likely sends you […]

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3 good reasons to get a Mentor for your team

8. 8. 2014

For every team, in order to fulfill their mission – to satisfy their customers and stakeholders – it is important to stay focused on the value and continually improve the way of working. Having a Mentor can […]

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