
Our vision is a future generation of young people who have courage and self-confidence to succeed and understand the values like fair play and cooperation at the same time.

We believe in a society consisting of self-confident people aligned on shared values, which is naturally creative and open and has a desire to develop not only itself but also the surrounding world.

What do we do?


  • Mental training tools help athletes with mental preparation before, during and after a performance 

  • Individual coaching sessions help athletes to sort out ideas and find their preferred way forward on one-on-one session with a professional coach  

  • Group workshops to strengthen a team spirit, relations between team members, resolve group issues (e.g. bullying), identify their individual as well as collective passion, strengths, tools to deal with stress as well as pressure in various sport / life situations   


  • Entrepreneurship – series of workshops and lectures for young people to aspire, dream or learn how to become an entrepreneur

  • Summer camp for teachers and students – two days camp to investigate their passion, strengths and life purpose. Includes interactive workshops.

  • Interactive workshops where students and teachers learn modern style of management, how to start their own project as well as new way to educate

  • You Know – university students learn how to combine their talents with their future professional life

  • Edu Leaders – unique leadership program for school directors and teachers

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The team behind the project

Roman Šmiřák

I believe each of us is born with an inner compass showing us the way to follow in life. Each child has its talent and uniqueness and the most important is to help them to get rid of incorrect beliefs about themselves and the world, which they unconsciously absorb since they are born. Our program and coaching is, therefore, a cleaning brush for a brain.

Zuzka Zvěřinská

As a principal of accredited modelling school, I have learnt, how healthy self-confidence influences the final result and how the physical body of a woman is often erroneously perceived as a pillar of all being. As a motivator and lecturer in the area of interpersonal relationships, I have realized that people are nice and there is a unique story behind each of them. As a sports coach, I understand that success is a reflection of our thinking, imagination and hard work. Details don’t mean much – they mean everything. My family teaches me that wisdom is in acting.

Radovan Vladík

I try to honour my name and just enjoy life. I knew what it was like to be a teacher, headmaster, lecturer, analyst at Škoda Auto and much more. I am grateful for all the variability in my life. The world around us is not black and white, and each of us is a valuable original that has the opportunity to fulfil his/her life by purpose he/she was created for.

Katka Sovová

During 10 years in recruitment, I have experienced different phases of the labour market. Nevertheless, I have always heard from companies that there are not suitable candidates. On the other hand, graduates say they have a harder position in the market, or they even don’t know what they want to do. The question of why the two sides do not see each other led me to work with students and graduates. I help them find their strengths, needs and motivation so they dare to ask for such a job that would fulfil them.

Radek Gajdušek

I like to inspire others, pass on my experience entertainingly, and help them discover the world to find the right passion of theirs. Since childhood I have been scouting, I started as a Scout boy, later I was a Scout leader. I know from practice how important it is for children and young people to have good examples and role models around them that will direct them in the right direction, so I am very happy to be part of the BrainBrush project.

Pavol Sojčík

Being involved in education and working with students has always been my passion. I believe that by working with the younger generation in schools and on courses, we can inspire a large group of people who will soon change the world. I am glad that in Brainbrush, we can share a number of tools and ways of working from our experience with teachers, principals and students, which will help them not only in their future work and career but in life in general.



„In the work of a youth coach we often encounter mistakes in the mental setup of young players. Mental preparation is an important part of sports training and training with RainFellows shows us ways to overcome some of the shortcomings that hinder the achievement of young players' sporting goals. At each meeting, we find out how many new horizons we have in front of us to develop our skills and abilities, and working with experienced professionals allows us to guide us through these horizons. Mental training with “the rain fellows” became an important impulse for further coaching work.“

Mojmír Trličík Head coach, HC Vítkovice Ridera

“The biggest wow for me was the personality typology.”

“Dad has a business, I will benefit from business skills. It was beneficial, thanks.”

“You are amazing at what you do and I will be happy if you continue doing so.”

“Personality typology was the most important thing for me because the most important thing is to know myself.”

workshop participants Summer School of Business

„Thank you for the meaningful event that had the charge. The event was implemented within the activities of the Regional Action Plan for the Development of Education in Moravian-Silesian Region project.“

Aneta Krakovková Raděvičová Moravian-Silesian Region

„The event was well organized and led by professional RainFellows lecturers. For me, it was an interesting variegation before the end of the school year and I got a lot of new ideas and also another motivation for teaching practice. I have also appreciated the opportunity to spend time together with students and the opportunity to get to know them other than just in the classroom environment. It was just an interesting mix of formal and informal - to educate, but in a pleasant environment, in the form of games and with nice people. The two students who attended the workshop with me were excited too. I can only recommend the Summer School of Business from RainFellows to everyone.“

Roman Blaha 43 years (teacher)

„In June 2019 I had the opportunity to participate in the Summer School of Business under the guidance of RainFellows. The program of the event was quite intense and ended in the evening. In the first part, we introduced each other and said what we would like to be in the future. We have learned to defend this decision and not be ashamed of it. At first, I was afraid to express my opinion, because in the future I would like to be a "forester" and in most cases, I only met with mockery, but after absolving SSB I proudly communicate it and I am not ashamed. Another important clue was Jung's personality typology, as well as the introduction of Lean and Agile techniques that are being introduced to many companies today. I am extremely grateful for this extraordinary experience and I will happily treasure these memories for a long time.“

Veronika Paseková 18 years (student)

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